Finding irregularities in 3 water projects in Sucre


Three of the 23 waterworks and treatment plants in which General Comptroller found irregularities are being carried out in Sucre. These, as revealed by the controlling entity, are those of Majagual, Sugar-Sugar and Ovejas

Although in the Public Report of the Office of the Controller they do not provide details on the irregularities detected in each project, they generally warn that in these – that they have invested 39,000 million pesos of resources of the General System of Royalties – there are sustainability issues that arise from the approving projects in the OCAD without meeting all the requirements, such as environmental licensing or ownership For this reason, 65% of these projects are ineffective, "because the infrastructure is underutilized, or laboratories for water quality monitoring are unused, or there is a lack of inputs for the operation of treatment plants. "

Irregularities were detected through a performance audit carried out on 17 projects executed in rural areas and 6 in the urban area of ​​18 municipalities. bones and 7 departments


The Comptroller creates a high degree of uncertainty about the sustainability of projects since, since their introduction in OCAD, they have found that in 9% of the cases there was no sustainability requirement letter and 74% did not provide the sustainability plan, both mandatory requirements, but they still approved them in the BCDA .

In addition, 67% of the projects had land without property; 50% was approved without respecting environmental authorizations for water collection; In 33% of the projects, the pre-feasibility and feasibility steps and in terms of supply risk index, which is the indicator of treatment, continuity and distribution of l & # 39; drinking water, they showed that in the projects audited, only 17% of them declare information and 83% do not

. aqueducts it is common to find that there is no organized operator for the supply of the service and that they do not have any laboratories, laboratory equipment or any Qualified personnel to take, badyze and interpret the test results. They also did not show that they used departmental or municipal health services to take water samples.

Yeison Góez, representative of the Municipality of Sucre-Sucre, insisted on the delays in the execution of this project. which was to be delivered in the month of April, but in March the works paralyzed them and due to the insistence of this in front of the Controller, the Sugar Assembly and the company Aguas de Sucre the works were picked up a week ago.

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