Follow the controversy with Senator Mockus' pants down in Congress


The political country remains restless two days after the new senator, Antanas Mockus, in a symbolic act to reject that there was silence in plenary session of Congress, decided to lower his pants and show the queue to the participants. The fact generated multiple reactions, becoming a trend in the Twitter social network, where artists, politicians and others expressed their opinion.

In these opposite poles and in favor was the former Minister Juan Camilo Restrepo who rejected the act and in his Twitter account, he wrote that "so many people of Mockus were so supportive to save his seat to the CNE that now he can come out with that … the Senate office, or to whom it corresponds, must impose an exemplary sanction. And soon. "

However, the Green Alliance senator, Iván Marulanda, defended the act of Mockus and badured that everything was based on the request for respect to listen to Cepeda's speech.

The voices that favored in the networks was that of actress and presenter Margarita Rosa of Francisco wrote "Todos a pelar el culo. Here my homeland pride because it cost me a lot ", message that became a trend and added more support voices.

After the actress gesture, users have has made a tendency to social networking the hashtag #TodosAPelarElCulo in which They showed their support to the former Mayor of Bogotá after the criticism received.

The outgoing Representative at the House of the Democratic Pole, Víctor Correa, joined the Initiative and said: "I join Margarita Rosa in solidarity with Antanas Mockus, her act in Congress is necessary rebellion in a space where the word has little value, said more with this action than many members of Congress in their empty interventions. "

On his side, the lawyer Abelardo de la Espriella spoke to by respecting him by calling him" old crazy and degenerate "thanks to his Twitter account." Now who is the troglodyte? Take this crazy old man and degenerate, "wrote Espriella, who then asked the Ministry of the Attorney General to act with" promptly "measures before the surprising fact.

Despite examples of support to the professor, there are those who have indicated that the senator now could receive sanctions for his performance.According to Article 73 of the Congress of the Republic, "sanctions for disrespect" can be established:

the member of Congress who does not respect society, or insults in words to one of its members, it will be imposed by the president, depending on the seriousness of the fault, one of the following penalties: [19659002] 1. Appeal to the Order
2. Public statement of disorder and respect.
3. Suspension in the exercise of the word.
4. Suspension of the right to intervene in the continuation of the debate or of the session, and
5. Suspension of the right to intervene in the proceedings of the Corporation for more than one (1) day and up to one (1) month, former favorable concept of the Commission

Before the Congress's new president, Ernesto Macías, said that this situation deserves a sanction in accordance with the regulations.

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