For the prison aka Reinel


A judge covered Jesús Vargas Cuajiboy, aka Reinel investigated for his alleged involvement in the kidnapping of the team of journalists El Comercio.

The subject would be the alleged guardian of Javier Ortega, Paul Rivas and Efraín Segarra, members of the journalistic team of the Ecuadorian newspaper, who was kidnapped on March 26 and later murdered for the dissent by the FARC at

At the hearing, held at the Courthouse in Cali, it was learned that & # 39; Reinel & # 39; did not accept charges for homicide crimes in person protected, extortion aggravated extortion and conspiracy to commit a crime.

The man will be transferred to the prison of Cómbita, Boyacá

The Office of the Attorney General of the Nation detailed this Saturday by a message broadcast on his social networks that he captured in the municipality of Santander de Quilichao in the department of Cauca, in Vargas Cuajiboy, fourth in the line of command of the dissident group of the former guerrilla Farc.

The relatives of & # 39; Reinel & # 39; appeared at the hearing of guarantees and they badured that the man has no connection with this dissent and that he is innocent of the crimes for which he was accused because, according to them, he works in non-illicit activities

"For five months we live in Mondomo in the department of Cauca, he has been very careful to work with my father on crops of coffee and we have not seen any strange behavior, nor any relationship with these cultures.His army surprised us and we hope that justice will be rendered because he is innocent "said Erika Moreno, the woman of the detainee

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