Fuchsia Os comes up and the operating system market is revolutionized


A new operating system called Fuchsia Os, is being developed by a dozen engineers from the Mountain View company and led by Google CO, Sundar Pichai.

L & # 39; s goal? End of Android.

Fuchsia Os is a platform project that would not be based on the Linux kernel (managed by Android), but on "Microkernel Zircon". All devices connected to the Internet such as mobile phones, computers and other intelligent elements would be managed by Microkernel Zircon

When would Fuchsia Bones come up?

Estimates indicate that Android could come to an end and give way to that. new operating system in 2023, but by 2021, the new system should already start to be seen in different devices.

Android is a "monster" that will not be easy to leave a "side of the road" as it works in most smartphones around the world.

Android is the leader in the mobile phone market, with a percentage of about 85% compared to 15% of Apple.

Google Fuchsia OS was designed from scratch to overcome the limitations currently badociated with Android, which according to the "brains" of Google have to do with its mobility and the plans that the leading company has in the future. [19659004]

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