G20 Agriculture Ministers Advocate for Free Trade – AIM Digital


The consensus reached to promote protectionism without tariff measures, open, allowing free trade between nations was the theme that prevailed during the press conference given by the G20 agriculture ministers to the outcome of the meeting in Buenos Aires between this Friday and Saturday

The G20 Agriculture Ministers spoke for free trade

The press conference was in charge of the meeting. a troika: the Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture of Germany, Julia Klockner of the country who chaired the G20 last year; The Argentine Minister of Agribusiness Luis Etchevehere – current president of the G20 – and Atsushi Nonaka, Japanese Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, who will chair the Group in 2019.

This was a turbulent press conference the Spanish translation of the Japanese official, who expanded into his language without journalism and Etchevehere himself being able to understand what he was saying.

In the end and after the questions, Etchvehere said that "the conclusion is what we wrote, that we want open and fair trade, and then we follow all the countries that are negotiating to improve our trade." [19659004] With regard to the United States that set tariffs on the entry of agricultural products, especially from China, the minister claimed particular, but the final consensus document was signed by all the countries that make up the G20. "

From China, he subscribed Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Yu Xinrong

Etchevehere began the cycle by saying that they were committed to" work towards building a sustainable food future because the G20 countries account for 60% of agricultural land and they are responsible for nearly 80% of trade in food and agricultural products. "

" We reached a maximum consensus on the main aspects. The goal of the ministers was collaborative. Agriculture helps cope with climate change and achieve healthy soils, "he said.

German Minister Klockner spoke of" raising awareness of a global strategy for crop management. We need clear strategies, "he said.

He also stressed that the" digitization "that they could see in his visit to the Palermo Rural Exhibition" means a role that makes agriculture more efficient and reduces the application of pesticides "

He also had a paragraph for" protectionism "that he said" is not the way to go. Trade is a way to protect peace "and says they" had a wonderful environment in Buenos Aires. "

When asked a question, he explained that" we do not want unilateral protectionism measures. Farmers in the United States are already under pressure from tariffs. "

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