Giraffes & # 39; pereirana & # 39; would contribute to the conservation of the species – Other cities – Colombia


Although "the intensity" of the mayor of Pereira, Juan Pablo Gallo, to have some giraffes in Ukumarí Bioparc it sometimes seemed like a whim, an embeleco, for wild animal experts who have accompanied the couple's transfer of this species that arrived last week are nothing like that, it's a necessity.

The giraffe, one of nature's iconic animals, is threatened by its main predator, the man, and has two in Pereira – the only ones currently in the country are part of. a conservation project for this species.

Frank Carlos Camacho, one of the owners of the Africam Safari Zoo and Conservation Park, located in Puebla, Mexico, and who donated The two giraffes said that "although some people have thought that it was a whim, this is not the case, it's a way to contribute to the conservation of this iconic, important and relevant species. "

For Camacho, who was the what If we refer to "intensity" Mayor Gallo to bring the giraffes, the situation of this species is critical. "The future of giraffes in Africa is very dark, in the 14 countries where (these) are naturally breeding there is illegal hunting, habitat loss and significant deforestation."

Illegal hunting – added the expert on large animal species – is due, in part, in Southeast Asia, there is an incipient illegal trade in giraffes femur because of the fact that it is illegal. they spread the version that this bone has magical and medicinal powers.

"They are even more hunted (giraffes) to export these pieces and they have cited much more in poaching," said Camacho.

In about six years, the pair of Ukumarí giraffes is scheduled for the first time. It would be the first giraffe born in captivity in Colombia, which would be pereirana. With the same goal, Camacho brought about 50 individuals of this species from Africam Safari – where they were born – to Europe, Asia and South America.

It must be remembered that in Colombia there were three giraffes. They were illegally brought by the late drug dealer Pablo Escobar to Hacienda Napoles. Unfortunately, these animals, unable to treat them, died before the age of six months.

The Colombian veterinarian specialized in wild animals, Jorge Caro, who is part of the relief and conservation programs in Africa, coincided with Camacho in the factors that threaten giraffes and added that of mining. , which also destroys the habitat of this species.

"The problems are deforestation, hunting, mining and these animals (giraffes) are short of habitat.It's not fair to pick them up, to take them and release them.In Africa, they are full of captive animals that can not be released into their own habitats because there is really no place where to have them, some forests that are conserved are well populated by animals, "said Caro

. Complex panorama are generated reforestation process, education and different economic alternatives for communities. This is meant to have new spaces for animals.

& # 39; C & # 39; is an ideal place & # 39;

Who will be in front of the giraffe conservation process in Ukumarí is its director, Sandra Correa.

She, like the mayor, was determined to bring the pair of giraffes to increase the collection of animals in the African bioregion, where there are already lions, elephants, rhinos, among others but also to help with the conservation of giraffes.

"What we have to project in the future (…), and that is what Africam Safari wants, is that we all grow populations (of giraffes) We need to grow animal populations so that in this way, it can help the conservation of the species, "Correa said.

Frank Carlos Camacho explained that giraffes reach badual maturity of three or four years. The newcomers to Pereira are 16 months (the female) and 12 months (the male), they are still babies.

Against the arrival of giraffes in Ukumarí there were several complaints and publications on social networks and they even filed a tutela action. Correa revealed that they responded last Friday, basing themselves, among other things, on the purpose of conservation.

The director hopes that the judge in charge of making a decision will give Ukumarí his reason "because it is a biopark, a zoo – among the thousands in the world – and between us we exchange animals we breed animals for exchange, and many of us have breeding programs and send animals into properly preserved natural environments. "

Correa added that in that sense they do not bring wild animals, but are born in captivity and come legally in the country, with all permits. authorities of the country of origin (in the case of giraffes, Mexico) and Colombia.

However, detractors of the arrival of giraffes claim that it is a wildlife trafficking covered by permits issued by the authorities.

Veterinarian Jorge Caro said that Ukumarí is an "ideal place" to have and breed giraffes "because these animals come from generations born in captivity, their grandparents, their great-grandchildren -parents".

wrong with giraffes & # 39; pereirana & quot; They do not adapt to the diet, to the local trees, they feed mainly on leaves, but in Ukumarí they planted species that they like. For 30 days, they will be in quarantine and then they will be in their new house, of 8 thousand square meters.

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