Gloria María Borrero, Minister of Justice of Iván Duque – Government – Politics


Borrero Restrepo is currently the director of Corporación Excelencia in Justicia

  Gloria Maria Borrero

Gloria Maria Borrero, Minister of Justice of Iván Duque.


July 18, 2018, 9:19 pm

On Wednesday night, the elected President, Iván Duque, announced that Gloria María Borrero Restrepo was his Minister of Justice and Law, which he pointed out as a person "having a great knowledge of the problems of justice ". in Colombia

"It's about a woman from Huila, a prestigious lawyer, who has had a great job over the years and who must thoroughly examine the functioning of our administration of justice and of our judicial administration, and He has successfully directed the Excellence in Justice Corporation.It is Dr. Gloria María Borrero, "said Mr. Duque on Wednesday

Borrero Restrepo is a lawyer at the University of California. Javeriana University, specialized in administrative law at the University of Rosario . In recent years she has been Director of Excellence in Justice Corporation

. During her professional career, she has been a consultant for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Ministries of the Interior and Justice. Borrero also advised the design team of the democracy and justice reform program at USAID

The new Justice Department chief thanked Duque, through his Twitter account, for his appointment. "Thanks to President @IvanDuque for choosing me as Minister of Justice, thanks to @CEJ_JUSTICIA, his team, his board and his badociates for being my 13 year old home: I hope they will continue to watch and make constructive criticism no matter who is in power "

Thank you to President @IvanDuque for electing me Minister of Justice. Thanks to @CEJ_JUSTICIA his team, board and badociates for being my 13 year old home: I hope they will continue to look and make constructive criticism no matter who is in power.

– Gloria Maria Borrero Restrepo (@GloriaMBorrero) July 19, 2018


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