Google says "no", Duplex will not use AI to replace humans



Through the artificial intelligence technology Duplex, the Google Assistant Virtual Assistant can call different traders and make you reservations.

James Martin / CNET

Google Duplex Technology was designed to work for people – not to take away their jobs, according to Google.

When Google revealed Duplex at its developer conference in May, left everyone with an open mouth . The technology is an expansion of artificial intelligence (AI) by the Google badistant and is supposed to sound more like a human. Google says that Duplex's goal is to use your AI to call merchants on your behalf and get you appointments.

Now, a company wants to use Duplex at the back: on behalf of companies to talk to users. According to The Information, an insurance company that has not been appointed is studying ways to use Duplex in customer service centers.

However, Google denies it. A Google spokesperson sent CNET the following statement:

"We are currently focused on cases where the use of Duplex technology is in favor of consumers to help them do things, rather than to apply to use cases.We do not test Duplex with a professional client, Duplex is designed to work in very specific use cases, and we are currently focused on the booking of restaurants, hair salons and vacations with a limited number of trusted people, it is important that we have the right experience, and we take slow and measured steps to incorporate learning and feedback from our tests. "[19659010] The information report then adds that the insurance company has slowed down its work on the project into ethical doubts The idea of ​​calling a customer service center and not not knowing if you are talking to a robot or a human is disconcerting. But Google says it will not be the case – again.

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