Gorila Glass 6 withstands 15 falls – News Technology – Technology


This is the promise of Gorilla Glbad 6, the new crystal for Corning mobile devices.

  Cell Phone Drop

According to Corning, the new crystal has a lighter design without losing rigidity or flexibility. Photo: 123rf


July 23, 2018, 11:04 am.

Let the screen of your cell survive up to 15 falls at a height of one meter on hard surfaces. That's the promise of the Corning company with its new crystal for mobile devices, the Gorilla Glbad 6, which, according to the company specializing in glbad technology, is the brand's strongest to date .

The protector aims to be twice as strong as its predecessor Gorilla Glbad 5 and is designed with a new material that aims to meet the challenge of falls. For that, the company's engineers went through an innovative chemical process that allowed them to create a stronger glbad.

Jaymin Amin, Vice President of Technology and Product Development, said: Glbad 6 is a completely new glbad composition that can be chemically enhanced to provide significantly higher levels of compression with Gorilla Glbad 5 This makes it more resistant to damage. "

A recent global consumer survey conducted in The Toluna Survey Platform revealed that on average, people drop their phones seven times a year." According to the report, more than 50% of falls occur within one meter or less.When testing the company has verified that in addition to protecting the cell phone screen from up to 15 drops, the new crystal supports up to eight times more weight than the fifth generation.

Indeed, according to the company, the Gorilla Glbad 6 was also designed with current trends in the mobile device market that include larger screens with fewer edges: the glbad is thinner and lighter but does not lose stiffness.

The company reported that manufacturers are conducting evaluation processes and that it is expected that it will reach the market in the coming months. Currently about 45 companies include their glbades in about 6,000 devices


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