Government says it overcomes "dark period" protests in N


Nicaraguan Vice President Rosario Murillo on Tuesday defended the government's action to lift roadblocks and confront protesters "a dark time", a day after armed civilians proclaimed Government raids took place in Catholic churches and badault priests and bishops in the southwestern part of the country.

"Our Government defends the peace, the right to life and security, (…) including the right to free movement of people Murillo, the wife of President Daniel Ortega, badured that the government was rebuilding centers, vehicles and goods all over the territory, that is our first duty and we are fulfilling it ", Murillo, in his daily address to the official media." who have been destroyed by terrorism in the weeks we leave behind, thank God, in the dark period we leave behind. "

Neither Caragua lives amid protests against a social security reform since April 18, which then been turned into a request to leave the Ortega government because of the violent repression he exerted against the demonstrators, who has already left at least 250 dead

The demonstrations were accompanied by roadblocks across much of the country, which government forces have been brutally clearing.

"It is the commitment of Commander Daniel Ortega to guarantee the right of Murillo

At least 250 people have died since the protests against the government of Ortega, a veteran of the He has been leading the country since 2007, after successive re-elections in rigged processes, according to the opposition.

"Not everything is easy, there are difficult times for families who lose money. dear ones. But the most important thing is that with the faith that encourages us every day we know we are going forward " said Murillo

Foreign Minister Denis Moncada, for his part, on Monday accused the Protestant opposition of committing " acts of terrorism", and badured that the government will fulfill its duty to restore peace.

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