Government Strengthens Team in Cuba to Accelerate Dialogues with ELN


The national government will seek to accelerate negotiations with the ELN while there are only a few days left to the administration of President Juan Manuel Santos

The team Negotiating took place in Havana in the last hours to support a key meeting with this guerrilla, before the possession of the new president was advanced, Iván Duque this August 7th.

The goal of the government is to reach agreements on two specific points: a bilateral ceasefire and the participation of civil society in the process.

Minister of Foreign Affairs María Ángela Holguín, Presidential Adviser José Noé Ríos and High Commissioner for Peace, Rodrigo Rivera, group that was sent directly by the President of the Republic, accompanied by Senator Iván Cepeda and former Minister Álvaro Leyva, who facilitated dialogues with the ELN

They will join the negotiating team in Cuba led by the former vice-president President of the Republic Gustavo Bell

It is expected that this weekend there will be an official announcement on the talks holding in recent days the government and this guerrilla.

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