Guillermo Botero would be Duque's Mindefensa, conservatives say – Government – Politics


The party made the announcement via Twitter. Iván Duque has not confirmed the nomination yet.

  Guillermo Botero

The president of the guild Fenalco, Guillermo Botero.


Claudia Rubio / EL TIEMPO


July 13, 2018, 09:12 AM

Guillermo Botero, the current president of the National Federation of Traders, would be the Minister of Defense of President-elect Iván Duque, as announced by the conservative party. Until now neither Ivan Duque nor his party have made any official statement about it, but there is an expectation.

"We celebrated with Júbilo the appointment of @GuillermoBotero by President-elect @IvanDuque." Botero demonstrated his leadership ability to lead the merchant guild and his arrival in the defense portfolio is a message of security and investment incentive in Colombia, "ensured the evening via his official Twitter account

We celebrated with Júbilo the appointment of @GuillermoBotero by the elected president @IvanDuque Botero demonstrated a leadership ability at the head of the guild merchants and his arrival in the defense portfolio is a message of security and incentive to investment in Colombia – Conservative Party (@soyconservador July 13, 2018

Botero has been the union leader since 2003, when he took the leadership of Fenalco, after being a member of his board of directors several times since 1985. [19659020] If confirmed, would an aut Re company chief to reach the Ministry of Defense after Luis Carlos Villegas, current minister, who came to the portfolio after being in charge of the presidency of the National Association of Men of Colombia business.

Botero has close relations with Senator Álvaro Uribe, who he supported from Fenalco in his presidential duties and who defends his economic policy. He also openly criticized some policies of the government of Juan Manuel Santos

The support of the guild of merchants during the presidential campaign is a letter of aspirants that adds voters and builds confidence. During the candidates' run, Botero clearly expressed his rejection of Gustavo Petro's proposals and badumed the banner of support for the current elected president.

He is married to Margarita Jaramillo, who is the daughter of the late conservative leader, Hernán Jaramillo


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