He falls off the cliff and survives through the water of the radiator


  He falls off the cliff and he survives through the water of the radiator

His SUV was sighted by some senderistas that gave warning to the authorities. Photography: Reuters


The road accidents occur frequently and sometimes we can do nothing to avoid them. The only thing that is in our hands is to follow the signals of and be alert to any unforeseen.

It is well known Angela Hernandez a 23-year-old girl who was living nightmare when falling with her car from a cliff 60 meters located on the coast of California.

Contrary to what you think, it was not because of an error or fault of an imprudent driver, but for an animal which was crossed.

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The woman was a week pbaded until some hikers see his SUV and notify the authorities

Emergency services must use a helicopter to rescue the victim

. hospital with a contusi

Believe it or not, the victim survived through drinking water from the radiator of his vehicle.

My sister survived just seven days at one o'clock. fall off a cliff. It's very traumatic and it will be a slow recovery process, "said the sister through a Facebook post

*** MJPR ***

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