Heat on Earth and water on Mars! – Juventud Rebelde


  The Mars Express Probe

On the P14 accordion, a plump lady proves her superiority over your thinness, but everything is supported in the name of being able to return home soon and find out what's left of Barranquilla 2018 for today # 39; hui. Turn on the television then, overcome the epic guaguística, and realize that at the rate where you sweat, you could be pedaling yourself, swimming, running … with the athletes. But no complaints, which is the summer of Cuba.

A cold shower later, to learn quickly about science news these days. And there, yes, no doubt, check that the universe is able to conspire and make fun of one. The Earth with record heat points, and now, in the middle of the scorching month of July, ladies and gentlemen, there is a cold water lake on Mars! Are you serious?

Very seriously

Yes. The Mars Express probe, responsible for this discovery technology, has been working very seriously. From 2012 to 2015, this small ship traveled with her flight an area of ​​at least 200 kilometers in the south pole of the red planet, with temperatures below 110 degrees below zero.

If what comes to mind is that the figure is low, the explanation is simple: Mars Express does not just fly over areas of Mars, but a complicated system of radial emissions checks the existence of liquid on the surface followed. This complicates the situation a little bit.

The instrument responsible for the emission of radio waves for the test, called Marsis, did not detect water in the ground which is now considered a lake before crawling there for a while. So now that so many people on this planet are sweating in different densities and colors, this was the moment when a team of Italian astronomers announced that, if you wish and can do it, it is possible to take a plunge into the red planet

It is a lake 20 kilometers long, but 1.5 kilometers from the ice surface, and of course, the implications of this first discovery of 39; Water on Mars go beyond our mocking heat: Roberto Orosei, of the National Institute of Astrophysics of Italy and head of the study who published the news in the review Science, explained to the it is very complicated to know the depth "because the water absorbs the radar signals", but also badured "at least we are talking about a depth of one meter."

About the amount of liquid water that we can call Martian, Although we continue to look like a joke, the astronomer said that it will be necessary to drill this surface to find out if it is porous rocks infiltrated by water or a lake itself. It would be a very complex mission, but Orosei believes that with the technology we already have, it is possible to run it.

This radar has a screw loosened

As expected of a scientific mind that is taken seriously, the optimism of the discovery is taken with caution by the community of astronomers in general, who have already emphasized the weakness of baduming the discovery without further checks.

Other liquid detection instruments should achieve results similar to those of Mars Express being able to talk about definitive evidence; however, when we only explore ten percent of the south pole of Mars, finding this type of data early returns many optimists.

Similarly, other risks hinder the next steps. The most complicated thing would be to avoid the false positive life if the water is contaminated by the microbes that move in the gear to pierce the ice cap, which would generate very dangerous confusions.

The other big difficulty for the hope of finding organisms is even more logical, it is extreme temperatures and salinity.

This very cold water table is salty, a habitat not conducive to life, according to data extracted from images of the orbiter. However, scientists believe that it may exist in the same way as the subglacial reserves of terrestrial Antarctica, where they found simple organisms, called extremophiles, because of the extreme conditions in which they survive and create their adapted ecosystems.

The astronomers of the European Space Agency have decided to solve the problem by the time of the mission: with only ten percent of the Martian pole, it would take more than ten years to review the rest of this territory.

"We would need at least another 15 years to explore the entire south pole of Mars, but we have barely four or five years of operation, our batteries are already very worn and there is little fuel left. When it is exhausted, we will be unable to control the ship, "says Orosei

Applause for Mars Express and Marsis

Steve Clifford was the first to theorize 30 years ago that there might be some Liquid water lakes under the Mars poles. similar to polar terrestrial ice caps. From this idea, the Mars Express mission was born in 2002, but the ship went through the difficulty of memory and instead of recording all the emissions from its radar, it was badyzed only every 100 radar echoes as well as there was one. average of the intensity of each echo

This method omitted the most intense radial echoes, precisely those capable of highlighting the presence of liquid water in depth.

For 2011 the mission engineers modified the ship's software and started receiving the raw data that made this news possible.

The Hot Earth

This discovery comes in the heat of the earth. And not only the literal, the one that takes us body water, but also the heat of the astronomical race between the powers to take the first place in the hope of finding life on Mars.

Although the first probes They detected landscapes of canyons and riverbeds that suggested that the water had sunk on the surface of this red planet: the North American Viking and the Mariner, NASA in the 70s, Mars Express is representative of the European Space Agency, that this time is done with the glory of finding the most relevant astronomical news after the verification of space waves.

But it is the Chinese power that expects this face the difficulties of energy and memory of Mars Express, and the delay of its mission, it is possible to send a similar orbiter for the (Strategic) year of 2020 that is able to complete the task and check the existence of the lake a little further. [19659003] To make matters worse, this Friday there will be a red moon eclipse that is announced as the longest of this century, with one hour and almost 43 minutes of total phase.

This type of eclipse takes its popular name from Red Moon by the reddish tone that the star acquires when sunlight is interrupted by the position of the Earth.

Although it is not visible from Cuba, to the overheated terrestrials, fans of means and emotional strength, we are looking forward to the recent astronomical news and we expect the powers to fight to discover more and more. the neighboring planets while here, wherever the data come from, and with a fan, we can enjoy the astronomical news on our televisions. 19659003]

Craters suggesting the presence of ancient lakes on Mars have been discovered in previous missions, but until today, no lake has been found. had been located. Photo taken from www.teinteresa.com

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