Heat wave in Canada leaves more than 50 dead in one week | Trade | World | News


The heat wave that struck a week east of Canada killed at least 54 people in Quebec, local authorities said Friday.

At least 28 deaths related to "the devastating heat wave" have been recorded in the Montreal metropolitan area since last Friday, the health authorities of Quebec City told AFP.

the worst period of the heat wave, Montreal reached a record temperature of 36.6 degrees Celsius and a wet nearly 45, which, according to health authorities, is dangerous for people with respiratory difficulties and heart disease. [19659004TomitigatethesituationMontrealhasallowed19publicbuildingstobe"refrigerationcenters"sothatthosewhodonothaveairconditioningintheirhomescanseektemporaryshelter

The Others deaths were recorded in the south-west of the French-speaking province of Canada declared the Quebec Department of Health

The majority of deaths are men from 53 to 80 years old who did not have air conditioning in their homes.

A week of high temperatures east of Canada Mercury expected to return to seasonal average levels on Saturday

Today, the Canadian Meteorological Service has canceled the weather. Extreme heat warning that he was holding Quebec for a week thanks to the arrival of a front with colder air and dry.

"Depending on weather conditions, it should return to normal in the next few hours," Noémie Va said. nheuverzwijn, spokesman for the ministry.

"I warmly welcome Quebeckers who lost a loved one during the heat wave ," Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted Wednesday and invited Canadians to "

No wave-related deaths heat has been reported so far in the neighboring province of Ontario, which has also recorded high temperatures.

In 2010, high temperatures caused death of about a hundred people in the Montreal area

Source: AFP / EFE

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