Heritage of Bucaramanga with revealed spaces: the revealed spaces have not been forgotten | Bucaramanga


With the slogan "Bucaramanga is revealed" the third edition of Revealed spaces. The artistic circuit aims to reactivate abandoned sites from the pretty town to citizen participation.

This project seeks revive spaces which are tangible, intangible and natural heritage from Bucaramanga through exhibitions speak and interventions artistic who are rebuilding the social fabric and collective memory from the city.

The staging has eleven artists of Colombia, Mexico, Cuba Brazil and Venezuela that allows people to know and live public spaces, value the the parks and architectural monuments. With their works, artists save realities that are part of this cultural identity of the city.

Among the revealed places are the Children's ParkRivera Theater Santander Professional Club, Casa Luis Peru of La Croix and the Old hydroelectric power station of Zaragoza.

The artist from Santanderean Edinson Arenas carpeted the renowned place Caballo de Bolívar with his work Looks found and him colors yellow, blue and red with the intention of solidarity and fraternity with migrants Venezuelans

Read the note: Patchwork covers the statue of Bolívar

Similarly Casa Parque Bolívar he painted his facade with a poem of the writer Pablo Neruda.

Read the note: Neruda's poem written on a facade

Here is the schedule of 27 and 28 November:

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