Historical Theories of Why Piggy Banks Are Piggy-Shaped


Surely, on one occasion you used a piggy bank to save your savings during your childhood and it is very likely that you had pig shape.

Have you ever asked why this figure? The site Genial Guru found four possible explanations that you will find below:


During the medieval period, between the 5th and the 15th centuries, possessing a pig meant for a family in have a very valuable resource that could sell, enjoy its meat and feed all its members for a long time if necessary.

In England

Another version indicates that piggy banks have this form through a play on words in English. "Pig" in English is "pig" and during the seventeenth century some people kept their money in jars, pots and other kitchen utensils that were made with some kind of clay called "pygg". ] When the case was no longer used for the preparation of cookware, the word was lost, but people recognized the term "pygg jar" or "pygg bank" ] (bottle or bank). Over time, the image of a piglet was badociated with savings of coins.

In the East

In this part of the world is the figure " Chan Chu ", a word that looks like "pig", as they are also called pigs. This figure corresponds to the frog or money frog, whose image is also used in piggy banks.

In Indonesia

The image of wild boar a species of wild pig, is used as a symbol in the national banks of this country, being another of the possibilities by which the figure of this Domestic animal is used in the development of piggy banks.

Although there is no certainty as to the origin of the image of the piglet, it is important to know that the use of piggy banks does not Was not lost over time.