History Will Kindly Judge the Outgoing President of Colombia: The Economist




Friday, July 27, 2018

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History Will Kindly Judge The Outgoing President Of Colombia: The Economist

The British weekly refers to the opposition against the president and stresses that "the strange thing is that Mr. Santos leaves his country better than he found it. ", and reproduced the statements of the president, who pointed out that" eight years ago "years ago, Colombia was the black sheep of the region and the world" and "today Colombia is respected . "

" History will kindly judge the outgoing president of Colombia, "said the British magazine The Economist in an badysis of the task of the head of state, Juan Manuel Santos, a few days after the end of his term

The weekly reproduces the statements of President Santos, who stressed that "Colombia was the black sheep of the region and the world (…) Today, Colombia is respected. "

The Economist refers to the opposition against the president and asks why more Colombians do not recognize the achievements of Mr. Santos?"

In this sense, he points out that "It is strange that Mr. Santos leaves his country better than he has found."

"Unemployment, poverty and poverty. Income inequality is all lower than in 2010. His government has tripled the road network.A zone the size of Italy has been designated bounded for its protection.The homicide rate has been reduced by 35. % and the country 's human rights record has improved, even though it is far from perfect, "says the publication.

" But l & # 39, history and Colombians will remember Santos on the one hand, the agreement that after almost five years of negotiations, ended more than 50 years of struggle of the FARC, a guerrilla army of left, who won the Nobel Peace Prize, "he adds, 19659006] The Economist notes that" the agreement allowed some 10,000 ex-combatants to disarm and start entering the Civil life. "

" Maybe Mr. Santos will laugh last. But it can take time, "he concludes.

(Fin / gta)

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