How Cristiano Ronaldo did when he played in Italy


The & # 39; 7 & # 39; Portuguese is very close to the debut in Serie A. How was he facing the Italian clubs with United and Real Madrid?

Cristiano Ronaldo is very close to becoming a new player of Juventus. For this reason, we wanted to review how he was when he faced Italian teams as footballer Manchester United and Real Madrid

Clubs Matches Owner Substituted Mins Wins Tablecloths Defeats Penalties Yellow Rojas Assists Goals
Juventus 7 7 0 630 [19659017] 3 2 2 3 1 0 2 10
Rome 6 6 1 ] 19659030] 19659030] 19659030] 19659030] 19659030] 5 19659030] 5 Milan 6 6 1 512 2 1 3 0 1 0 1 2
International 2 2 [19659030] ] 0 0 1 [1965] 9030] 0 0 0 0 0 1 [1965] 9042] NAPOLI 2 2 0 180 2 [19659030] 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
TOTAL 23 23 2 2039 13 4 6 3 2 2 0 6 [19659030] 18

Interestingly, it is the fact that that Juventus is the European team, apart from the rivals who were measured at LaLiga, who scored the most goals of the Portuguese "7", namely 10 targets.


The article continues below


Cristiano Ronaldo in Italy Team Rival GF [19659004] GC Result Goals
08/03/2005 Manchester United Milan 0 1 Defeat 0
4/4 / 2007 Manchester United States Rome 1 2 Defeat 0
4/1/2008 Manchester United Rome 2 0 Victoria 1
24/02/2009 United Manchester Internazionale 0 0 Drawings 0


Date Team Rival GF GC Result Goals
03/11/2010 Real Madrid Milan 2 2 Napper 0
05/11/2013 Real Madrid Juventus 2 2 [19659017] Drawing 1
05/05/2015 Real Madrid Juventus 1 2 Defeat 1
2/17 / Madrid Rome 2 0 Victoria 1
03/07/2017 Madrid Naples 3 ] Victoria 0
04/03/2018 Madrid Juventus 3 0 Victoria 2
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