Huawei is unstoppable: goodbye Apple, care of Samsung


Picture: Huawei
  • Huawei has sold more than 59 million smartphones in the first quarter of 2019

  • It has increased by more than 50%, which has beaten Apple in terms of sales.

  • He also approached Samsung, which remains a world leader

For a long time we got used to the argument of Samsung and Apple to lead the sale of smartphones, but at least two years ago Huawei started to take on importance and it seems that nothing can stop it.

The interest of brands is that this device has become almost indispensable for millions of people. That's how they look year after year to stand out to get their attention.

Exceed clearly Apple

2018 was not the best year for this market, deliveries were made by thousands of 420.6 million smartphones worldwide, the lowest of the last three years, according to projected data Statista.

This affected the main brands. Agree with Cbadys, Samsung remains a leader by putting more than 293 million smartphones into circulation, followed by Apple with 212 million iPhones.

Without a doubt, they were impressive numbers for both companies, the problem is that both have lost their presence; shipments from South Korea fell 7.2%, while those of the Cupertino were 1.7 percent.

In contrast, Huawei has stopped growing and has placed some 206 million smartphones, with growth of 34.5%. Moreover, in two quarters, last year, he overtook Apple.

It seems to be a trend, Chinese society once again beat American society, but this time very clearly.

According to a first quarter report of the global smartphone market made by IDC Huawei has placed 59.1 million smartphones, a growth of 50.3% over last year.

This earned him Clearly overtakes Apple as a second largest smartphone maker and seller. Cupertino's one sold 36.4 million iPhone, a dropped 30.2%.

The lens is also Samsung

Although Samsung remained the market leader at the sale 71.9 million smartphones, also had a fall from 8.1 percent.

Thus, the global market was distributed with South Korea, accumulating 23.1% of market sharefollowed by Huawei (19%) and Apple (11.7%).

Here is a symptom that must be seriously treated brands, because the numbers are cold, only Huawei and Vivo have recorded a growth in sales, the rest of the big brands lost between 6 and 30.2%.

It's something that is replicated with brands that have a smaller market share and that were formerly leaders; according to a report of The edge, sales of Sony continue to decline and LG He changed the manufacture of his smartphones from South Korea to Taiwan.

Despite the conflict with the United States – extended to other countries – by 5G networks and the obstacle to the sale of their smartphones, Huawei continues to grow and, at the rate it stands, could reach and even exceed Samsung at the end of this year


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