Huge asteroid threatens Earth and could collide next September |


Photo Archive: ESA.

There is high probability that the asteroid & # 39; 2006 QV89 & # 39; have an impact on the planet Earth. It could be next September, day 9, that would be the one chosen by the destination for a possible catastrophic event to occur, according to reports from the European Space Agency, ESA.

Some compare this phenomenon to the movie "Armaggedon", men who are sent into space to destroy a huge asteroid threatening the Earth. According to some information, there could be 7,000.

The possibilities can be considered high. In astronomical terms, it could be the space object offering the best chance of crossing the path of planet Earth, although some astronomers do not consider it a risk, it is only 40 meters.

If there are no abrupt changes in the trajectory of the asteroid, this could happen to about 6.7 million kilometers, that is to say, more or less, at a greater distance from the moon.

Several entities were concerned about the potential impact and began to develop several contingency plans and simulations on the likely disaster.

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