Icetex will give credit to non-accredited institutions | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


The Colombian Institute of Studies and Educational Credits Abroad (Icetex) announced that it would grant credits to young people wishing to pursue higher education at unregistered institutions and not only to those who have this status as before. [19659002] As explained by the entity, this measure is part of the 1911 law of 2018, which created the "solidarity contribution to higher education", which among its guidelines states that henceforth Icetex credits and grants will be allocated to finance programs in institutions officially recognized by the Ministry of National Education or who exercise their functions of public service providers of higher education.

"This law, which has already received the approval of the President of the Republic, determines that students will contribute to the system when they receive an income and that the objective is to improve access to higher education According to Icetex Chairman Alejandro Venegas

Similarly, Icetex said that the beneficiary students will receive support for registration and support so that when they enter the labor force, they return the amounts received according to their level of income, in a proportion of 6 to 19% provided that if the beneficiary dies, the income disappears and the contribution ceases. [19659002] "Thanks to the solidarity contribution, the beneficiaries will be able to receive funding for registration and support to continue their studies in higher education and eliminate some of the barriers established to access traditional credits or ad missibles, "added Venegas.

In this sense, among the obstacles that are eliminated are: need to have a co-signer, collection of interests, collection processes, reports to credit bureaus, arrears of any kind. interests, financing and interest capitalization. In addition, students will contribute only according to their level of income and they will only do so when the person receives a salary.

"Your presence is related to the challenges that the country badumes, challenges that also respond to realities determined by a more equitable society," concluded the president of the entity

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