I'm afraid for my son's life


Yamile Saleh, mother of political prisoner Lorent Saleh, expressed on Monday his concern about the life of his son because of the irregular situation that took place Monday afternoon at the headquarters of the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (Sebin) in The Helicoid.

"I fear for the life of my son.We do not know what is happening right now inside the helicoid.I request that the life and integrity of my son is guaranteed, "he wrote on his Twitter account

The mother of the political prisoner demanded that the life and integrity of his son be guaranteed, and the persons deprived of liberty, allegedly, demand improvements in their lives. their conditions A similar event occurred months ago when political prisoners reported human rights abuses in the penitentiary.

#URGENTE | J & # 39; I am afraid for my son 's life We do not know what is happening right now inside the Helicoid I ask that the life and integrity of my son be guaranteed @LORENT_SALEH .

– Yamile Saleh Rojas (@yamisaleh) July 9, 2018

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