In Baranoa, they kill a pensioner and wound his son


Juan Bautista Blanquicet Riquet, 64, lost his life on Monday morning when he intervened in the middle of the forecast that his son Albert Stiven was holding two cargo ships trying to deprive him of the money that they had come to sell. withdraw from a bank.

The two men were shot dead at the door of their house at 11, rue 21B, in the Villa Clara district of Baranoa, by two men on motorbikes who apparently followed them from Sabbadarga where they were. state.

Juan Bautista was hit twice and died on the scene. His son Albert, hit in the stomach, managed to be transferred to the clinic Reina Catalina of the aforementioned population, where he remains in the intensive care unit.

Esther Caraballo Albert's wife told EL HERALDO that the man and his father had left at 9:30 am to withdraw to Sabbadarga in order to withdraw 10 million from a loan that had them been paid on the previous Wednesday.

"My father – in – law asked for a loan to support us in a shoe and lingerie business that we want to bademble and, as my husband was resting today (yesterday), it was for that reason. When they arrived at my father-in-law's house, the men went to Albert and tried to take the briefcase where he had the money, but he had it under his belt. the jacket, so that they could not get it and they shot it down. "My father-in-law intervened at the center to defend his son and he was hit twice at close range "said the woman.

In the midst of confusion and shouting, the attackers quickly ran off on a motorcycle by the open road, while the neighbors helped the father and the son. However, Juan Bautista arrived at the badistance center without vital signs.

Traces of blood from Juan Bautista and Albert Blanquicet were in the area of ​​the attack.

A neighbor of the family, Blanquicet Silvera, said that the family's father had tried to walk home, but he had collapsed and hit his head against the sidewalk at the time of his visit. his fall.

According to the initial report of the Atlantic police, the father and son had withdrawn the big sum of BBVA bank in Sabbadarga and, as always in these cases, the criminals marked their victims and then followed them on the way back they attacked them.

Esther Caraballo said that the criminal action had been recorded in the security camera of a house next to the scene. These recordings are in the possession of the Office of the Prosecutor.

He does not know about his father. Esther Caraballo was not able to talk about what happened to her husband, as this man remains under strict observation in the ICU clinic because his blood pressure is high.

"He has already undergone surgery, fortunately the bullet has not reached any organ, but his blood pressure is not going down and the worst thing is that he still does not know what his father is dead, "he said.

Albert Stiven, 36, is the eldest son of the four spouses of Juan Bautista Blanquicet and Carmen Silvera. He is a security agent in a surveillance company and lives in the district of La Sierrita in Barranquilla with his family.

About Juan Bautista Blanquicet, it was notorious that he enjoyed his pension 8 months ago, after having worked more than half of his life in a chicken farm and lived in the Villa Clara district for 35 years. years, where neighbors remember him as a man. "helpful and friendly."

"He had me recently announced that he was considering setting up his own farm to take advantage of what he now had time to devote to him.It is unfortunate that this has happened to him and we hope that the police will swiftly translate the justice officials because Juan Bautista C was a terrific man, a good friend, good neighbor and friend, it was not anyone who had any problems, "said Julio del Castillo, neighbor of the victim.

The authorities indicated that they had already identified the perpetrators of this attack and that they hoped to capture it in the next few hours.

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