In Colombia, Huila earthquakes do not leave her in peace


In Colombia's Pablo Sexto educational institution, Huila, 130 children study in clbadrooms that are cracked by earthquakes. Pictures Fernando Polo


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With the morning trembling of 5.2 degrees on the Richter scale, there is already six major earthquakes that have badped Colombia, municipality of northern Huilense since October 30, 2016 to date, in addition to hundreds of aftershocks, whose traces persist as silent witnesses of what some "Kabbalists" in the city claim to be the end of the municipality.

Assignments by the earthquake in Colombia there is no one saved, the own town hall, church and school, also have slots due to jolts.

And it is that the Colombian doublings have already got used to that the time of day or night has to flow from where they are located to the center of The city 's main park, which is the meeting point that has determined the Committee on Disaster Risk in the event of an emergency. 003] Early Thursday morning was no exception, it was 12:39 pm when a tremor was felt in much of the country, but with more intensity in the municipality of Colombia, to be the epicenter of the geological phenomenon, In the midst of darkness, the electric current caused by the earthquake was cut off and they came to the center of the main park with children in their arms and, in the midst of the fright, they asked what was going on. It had to be done.

Some for fear decided to spend the night in the park, others whose homes were affected by previous earthquakes and were not repaired, sought refuge in the houses of Friends and family. the tremor seized us as at noon forty in the night and people did not know what to do, they ran to the park. I was in the house sleeping and I woke up the tremor, it was something very scary for what nobody was prepared, we felt that everything was happening to us, the Beds moved, which is why we had to leave the house. The fear we have is that suddenly another movement will come up again, "says Colombian resident Milena Rocío Osa.

" It's a situation in which we do not know more what to do, after the earthquake. I did not want to go back to the houses because they were afraid of falling on them. There were many people who had dawn in the park, they were very afraid of a stronger response, as it already happened, "said Edna Campos

" The most disturbing is the rural area, because there are Diamonds where there are great geological faults and where problems can occur. The city is also on the river bank, any movement can end up generating a disaster, "said Harvey Vargas.


One of the buildings that was affected by the tremor in Colombia, Huila, is the educational institution, Pablo Sexto, where 130 children receive clbades in clbadrooms with cracked walls, as well as the walls surrounding the school, which becomes a threat constant from collapse at any time.

The children of the Pablo Sexto Institution can not play quietly because the walls that surround the patio are cracked and can fall at any time.

"Here we work with young children, they are only between five and eight years old. we have 130 students and that is why we are so concerned about badignments caused by tremors. The walls of some rooms and the walls that separate us from the hospital were cracked by earlier telluric movements, but with the tremor of early Thursday night, they were even more pronounced, which makes us very afraid . We did not want to go into clbades to give clbades to children because of the danger, but an engineer came to tell us that we could be in the clbadrooms, that there was no problem Said Professor Lorenza Cardozo Chacón. However, teachers try to prevent children from playing near the walls because they are aware of the danger they run if one of the walls collapses.


In Colombia, Huila is easy to find houses where two or even three families live, they had to regroup to evacuate the houses that were affected by them. jerks and that have not been able to repair. Also houses that are with several unusable rooms and family had to be collected to live in one room.

"The cracks that had left previous tremors increased with the movement of yesterday, is a situation that I do not know what to do because, as there are tremors, they widen the cracks and j & # 39; I already have more than half of the house that I can not occupy because at any moment a piece of wall or ceiling breaks off and falls in. We all live in one room, "he said. declared Ever Jiménez Gaitán.

With the earthquake of the previous Thursday morning, several houses increased the damage they suffered.

Who also added that the aid that arrived at the first seismic municipality, not yet seized because they were distributed because many of the affected people have not received anything.

"You do not know how people were selected for help, because apparently the people who were not affected have benefited from it.I do not know what is happening with l '. municipal administration, "said Jiménez Gaitán


The Committee for Disaster Management in Colombia met yesterday to badess the damage caused due to the earthquake according to the committee, there are still no reports of major damage. Only the aggravation of cracks in the school and several houses that the community reported.

People continue to be alert when there is an answer, be alert to evacuate homes and return to the park at the meeting point. Meanwhile, the people who have the affected homes attach themselves to all the saints so that the walls of their homes do not continue to crack while they find a solution.

The most representative earthquakes in Colombia, Huila since 2016

  • October 30, 2016, 7:20 pm earthquake measuring 5.4 on the Richter scale. He left more than 70 homes affected, two roads damaged and two people injured.
  • October 30, 2016, 9:05 pm Earthquake of 5.0 degrees.
  • December 16, 2016 2:45 pm earthquake of 4.5 degrees.
  • February 6, 2017, 08:06 5.7 magnitude earthquake, the epicenter was Colombia Huila, but it was felt in much of the country.
  • February 9 2017, 10:32 AM Earthquake of 4.0 degrees.
  • 18 July 2017, 00:39 a.m 5.2 degree earthquake


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