In Pasto, an imposing military parade commemorates 208 years of independence [VIDEO+FOTOS]


Amidst an imposing and majestic military parade attended by more than 1,000 men and women of the Armed Forces and the National Police, 208 years of Cry of Independence in the capital of Nariño.

The Twenty-Third Brigade, in keeping with patriotic symbols and dates like this, marked the trajectory of our country towards a better Colombia, commemorated that day with the delivery of a floral offering, in official ceremony with the national police, government entities, eminent personalities and other authorities of the region.

Hundreds of men and women from the Glorious National Army and Police decorated the main streets. Great parade that started on Champagnat Avenue, crossed the carnival path and had as final destination the city's children's park. Dressed and with weapons of the time, camouflaged in uniform, canine pairs and horses of pbadage, accompanied by the traditional war bands of each Force, marked the pbadage during the three hours that lasted the parade. On the other hand, tanks and tactical armored trucks with printing made their way to decorate the main avenues

The various units stationed in each region of the department, with their equipment, capabilities, uniforms, instruments and all the materials required for this celebration, they have been prepared for days to leave all the fervor that this important date deserves.

Hundreds of people from Nariño took to the streets accompanying the soldiers to the parade of the army and the police, to express their support for the Force Publique. The country's heroes were greeted with applause, as a sign of gratitude for the work they are doing day after day in the country. At the military and police stop, tribute was paid to the men and women in uniform who give their lives daily to defend the democracy, peace and freedom of Nariñenses.

As part of this celebration, Colonel Giovanny Pérez Arturo, Commander (E) of the Twenty-Third Brigade, made a special recognition to the heroes of the country. What better way to begin the commemoration of Independence Day than by confirming that they prevented attacks on the civilian population, such as those recorded in recent months, which, offering their lives, in truly heroic acts have prevented the community of this beautiful land Nariñense is violated. Today, the department of Nariño is a different region that walks on the shoulders of the heroes we are honoring today. In handing over every man or woman of our military forces, there is part of the reason why Colombia is going forward in the fight against violence. He pointed out

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