Inauguration of the "viaduct of peace", a milestone for the country's engineering | Inauguration of the "viaduct of peace", an important step for the country's engineering | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


Three years ago, the construction of what would be Colombia's largest viaduct and the third longest in Latin America, Cartagena – Barranquilla and Circunvalar de la Prosperidad, criticized for being one most ambitious. Despite criticism, the engineers managed to complete it four months earlier than expected and the government ranked it among the country's largest engineering-level, due to its mega structure.

Yesterday, amidst the fireworks, the President Juan Manuel Santos inaugurated this important work for the city and the department as it improves the connection and mobility between the surrounding towns. Although known as "Mangrove Grand Viaduct", it was named "Viaduct of Peace" because of the process experienced during this government.

"A few months ago I said that we would build works that have nothing to envy from major works all over the world and today it has been realized, with a technology which generates no environmental damage and with the best engineering specifications. This fills one with optimism and pride. This viaduct, which improves the connectivity between Cartagena and Barranquilla and promotes the development of neighboring municipalities, was built with the best technologies. Only here there are 169 species of birds and all that is preserved. We have invested $ 650 billion in this work, a job that improves competitiveness, with which there are more jobs, more tourism and the regions are better connected, "said the president.

The 5.4 kilometers long, of which 4.73 are in the Marsh of the Virgin, were built with Top Down technology that allowed the development of prefabricated elements on Earth, using a team of driven tip integrated into a beam thrower, to build up and down. This avoids dredging and the construction of temporary access roads and embankments on marshland.

According to the Cartagena-Barranquilla Coastal Concession, structural elements such as piles, heads and beams are precast concrete and they were installed with the aid of an badembly equipment special called launch beam designed for this type of construction, which does not require access from the ground and travels over the viaduct

"Two beams or launch structures were used for construction. built at the same time, specially designed to control prefabricated piles, complete the positioning of the prefabricated heads, then launch and place the prefabricated beams in record time.These structures were located on each side to be built simultaneously, "says the concession.

In the fourth generation project, 1.7 billion pesos were invested, which would be ready before the end of the year, according to the director. of the concession, Miguel Ángel Acosta. Recall that this had some delays because of the delay in the delivery of properties that were on the road that belongs to the Nation.

"Colombia is under construction, we not only went on site but also planned well until 2035. We wanted to change the paradigm of infrastructure in Colombia and with that we did a good planning and fundamental changes in the institutional part.We leave everything for the next government to continue to inaugurate the work and continue the roadmap we leave, "said the president.

For Dimitri Zaninovich, President of ANI, this quality work "will significantly improve the mobility and wellbeing of all users, since with this delivery the trip will be reduced in 10 minutes between the cities of Cartagena and Barranquilla. "

Over the past eight years, 1400 kilometers of double-track roads have been built in the country and 900 km are missing, but they are already hired


At the inauguration, the Colombian Society of Engineers (SCI) took the opportunity to hand over to the engineer Mario Huertas Cotes the Founders' Prize for Professional Path and Contribution to the Development of the Company. engineering of the country.


4.7 kilometers in length are on the morbad.

The viaduct is 5.3 kilometers long.

Two lanes will be built on the viaduct, in the Cartagena-Barranquilla direction

5 slices of 37 meters on average corresponds to the monthly production rate.

50% of the journey time between Cartagena and Barranquilla will be reduced

33 kilometers are the length of piles driven into the viaduct.

2 launching beams were used in the simultaneous construction of the viaduct.

Solar energy, using smart batteries, photovoltaic panels and LED lighting.

The asphalt backing was made from recycled rubber, which minimizes the impact of noise in the nesting area of ​​birds

. It allowed to reduce from 9,711,25 cubic meters the use of materials extracted from quarries.

They use a runoff treatment system, with 125 sediment basins with a grease trap, one for each viaduct sump

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