India asks WhatsApp to act against "false news" that causes lynchings | ELESPECTADOR.COM


According to local media, more than 20 people have died in the past two months in this country, victims of false viral reports of the alleged presence of kidnappers in the area.

India urged the WhatsApp courier service to "act immediately" to stop the spread of false rumors that led to a wave of lynchings in the country.

More than 20 people died in the last two months in India, news victims According to an Indian media report, fake virus attacks on the alleged presence of kidnappers in the area.

Attacks directed generally against foreigners put the authorities in a very difficult situation. ] Public awareness campaigns and public statements are currently limited in scope.

In a stern statement, the Indian Ministry of Electronics and Information Technologies on Tuesday told WhatsApp executives their "deep disapproval". "Irresponsible and explosive messages."

"The government has also indicated that WhatsApp must act immediately to end this threat ," says the text.

In his letter of response to Indian authorities WhatsApp claims to be "horrified" by lynchings and describes the phenomenon as "a challenge that forces the government, civil society and technology companies to work side by side"

WhatsApp, owned by Facebook, said that he was testing in India a device to indicate if a message was written by the sender or it was transferred only the way of which

He also emphasized the collaboration that he has with fact-finding organizations in other countries of the world, such as Mexico and Brazil, and said that he was thinking about the possibility of developing these operations in India. 19659010] [ad_2]
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