If anything is characterized by Instagram and, in particular, its Stories section, it is because of the constant changes and novelties that are introduced periodically. The latest additions is now added "Share with", a new tool that is in the ephemeral content section and will be useful at the time of Download stories that do not want to be available for a particular group

"Share with "is a sticker which adds to the existing surveys, the questions, mentions or GIF, among others, being located in the upper right corner of this tab. With this, Instagram intends to add a utility that up to now could be realized, only less comfortable than what this new option offers.


Sharing stories with some people instead of uploading them to the public section was something that was already there, but it required manually selecting the users who wanted to send the content. An action that is not too tedious when done from time to time, but that can be really annoying if it is performed recurrently and, above all, with the same people.

Share your stories jointly and privately in two clicks

"Share with" has a very simple operation but, as mentioned, this will save a certain amount of time in case some groups of people used to sharing stories in Frequent private Through the tool, the user can create different groups of users that can be easily labeled, to give them quick access in the form of sticker which, by adding it to a story, will only be shared with people who appear on this list

New option "Share with" on Instagram Stories.

The sticker in question provides several formats, including one in which it is not shown at all and, after placing it, the publication will be downloaded by pressing the download button in the general history . After that, a green ring will appear around our user that will indicate that this story in question can only be seen by the group of previously selected users.