Intel announced Thursday the acquisition of ASIC which it expects to complete in the third quarter of the year.

Although its strength is and will continue to be the manufacture of computer chips, the chip company with which you have worked since 2015 will help you in areas such as solutions from cloud computer data Internet of things ()] IoT ) and artificial intelligence among other new technologies.

Founded in 1999, the Santa Clara-based company has 120 employees . The financial terms of the agreement have not been disclosed, but we can give you an idea of ​​the amount. In November of 2017, eASIC was valued at about $ 110 million according to PitchBook.

Through a post published in its newsroom, Intel reported that eASIC will be integrated with Intel Programmable Solutions Group (PSG) . This area was created after the purchase of Altera in 2015, which manufactures FPGA chips, which are reprogrammable silicon processors.

"The addition of eASIC will help us meet the different needs of market time, features, performance," said Dan McNamara, vice president of business and general manager of the division Intel's PSG, in the press release, he adds:

Specifically, having a structured ASIC offer that will help us better meet the high-performance, energy-limited applications we encounter for many of our customers in market segments such as 4G and 5G wireless networks and IoT We can also offer a low-cost, automated conversion process from FPGAs (including competing FPGAs) to structured ASICs.

Finally, 39, executive also announced that, long-term, they would seek to design a new clbad of programmable chip. that takes advantage of the new technology of Intel EMIB. In this way, FPGAs can becombined with structured ASICs in a system to provide the same solution together.