Investigating the crime of education in Caquetá


The attack against the humanity of the educator was held at Horizonte School of Curillo Municipality.

Consternation and repudiation caused among the guild of Caquetá teachers, the crime of the teacher Juan de Jesús Moreno, riddled in the interior of the educational institution Horizonte de la Vereda Remolinos in the Curillo municipality in the south of the department

According to preliminary drafts, the elementary school educator was approached and surprised by an armed man in the hours of the previous Monday night, while sitting in his room inside the educational institution, a situation that has caused concern in the region.

The President of the Association of Caquetá Institutes AICA; Abraham Medina described the fact as unfortunate and added that schools can not become the scene of violence, but spaces for peace and education.

"This fact, in addition to being unfortunate, is very serious: a school where children are educated and peace is built, become war scenarios for years, these acts violate all the protocols of law international humanitarian organization ". 19659003] The union representative pointed out that the teacher Juan de Jesús Moreno had been transferred from Cartagena del Chaira, in the north, for threats, to the municipality of Curillo, in the south of the country, and concluded Educator had never guaranteed his safety. For his part, the police commander of Caqueta, Colonel Javier Navarro Ortiz, said that in coordination with the Office of the Prosecutor, rigorous investigations have already begun to clarify as soon as possible this new blood fact that cries a family and the education sector in this section of the country

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