Israel and Hamas abide by the ceasefire after intense fighting


Jerusalem – The Israeli Army lifted its restrictions in the region along the Gaza Strip on Sunday, a sign that it accepted the cease -the-fire negotiated by Egypt put an end to an intense 24-hour fight against Hamas that threatened to turn into an incessant war.

Israeli military forces had closed a popular beach and imposed restrictions on large gatherings while residents remained in their ranks. the closest to the house on Saturday and dozens of missiles were launched from Gaza. But after several hours of calm, the army reported that residents could resume their daily routine.

On Saturday, the Israeli army launched its largest campaign of air strikes in Gaza since the 2014 war affecting several Hamas military complexes and reducing some of their training camps to rubble. Two Palestinian teenagers were killed in an air strike in Gaza City, while four Israelis were injured by the falling of a missile into a house.

Israeli forces reported that several mortar shells were fired even after the announcement of the ceasefire by Hamas, while mermaids announcing the possibility of a missile attack rang out Dawn in Israel. The army attacked the mortar early Sunday but the calm remained for several hours afterwards and none of the parties seemed determined to resume hostilities.

Hamas police announced Sunday that an explosion in a house in Gaza City had claimed the lives of a 35-year-old man and his 13-year-old son . The explosion was not the result of an Israeli air strike and rather looks like an accidental explosion of explosives stored by militants. Hamas announced that it was going to investigate the incident.

The Israeli army announced that it launched the bombing on Saturday in response to weeks of violence along the Gaza border – which included a Friday grenade attack that injured an officer – as well as continued attacks by the Israeli army. Hamas by missiles and missiles. a long campaign to launch kites and incendiary balloons that devastated Israeli farmland and nature reserves along the coastal strip.

Hamas responded with more than 200 projectiles to communities in Israel, evoking memories of the three wars that both sides have waged over the past decade. Israel declared that its Iron Domo defense system had shot more than 20 projectiles.

Israel also destroyed several tunnels used in Hamas attacks, as well as factories involved in the production of comets and incendiary balloons, and the headquarters of a Hamas battalion in northern Gaza.

"We do not intend to tolerate missiles, comets, drones or anything else … Hamas has been hit hard," said the Israeli minister. of Defense, Avigdor Lieberman. "I hope that Hamas will draw its conclusions and if it does not, it will have to pay a very high price."

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