It was Ivan Duque's visit to Madrid, Spain. | Colombia


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In his first event, Duque ] attended First Summit of technological innovation and the circular economy which brought together more than 300 world leaders among former presidents and experts around the theme of a new sustainable economic system with the l & # 39; 39 environment

with the former president of United States Barack Obama with whom he shared his government proposal and the challenges that the country has in terms of security. [19659006] #Madrid | Thank you, former President @BarackObama for this productive meeting and for ratifying your appreciation for Colombia A good meeting where we share our challenges in terms of security and economic development #CumbreAlf pic.

– Iván Duque (@IvanDuque) July 7, 2018

"We had the opportunity to ask him to continue to help us in the bipartisan support of the United States with the agenda of Colombia . I felt this support, which leaves me very motivated, "said the president-elect.

Read also: Duke met Obama during his visit to Madrid, Spain

After that, Duke has attended the invitation of the Nobel Literature, Mario Vargas Llosa to speak with members of the International Foundation for Freedom .With them, he shared his vision of the country and strengthened the bonds of friendship and culture between Colombia and Spain .

In the afternoon he met the President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez, ] who spoke about strengthening the political and trade ties of both nations. "We talked about the bilateral program and I had the opportunity to talk to him about the risks we have in terms of security. I leave with a great voice to support him, "said Duque.

In the Palacio de la Zarzuela he met King Felipe VI to whom he presented his agenda of the legality, entrepreneurship and equity. "We talked about the historical relationship between Spain and Colombia, and how we want to strengthen it for years to come. I think it is a good balance, and I leave with a very good approval and recognition of the program that we have proposed to Colombians, "said Iván Duque

The President-elect's visit was ended with a dinner with the former president of the Spanish government José María Aznar, social leaders, politicians, academics and businessmen.

You might be interested: Duke and Felipe VI spoke about bilateral cooperation and Ibero-American affairs

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