Jacket for the blind could replace the guide dog | News


The well-known Apple brand, is working on a collection of smart clothing for those who have a damaged or blind view. It is a jacket with sensors, cameras, bluetooth and artificial intelligence that recognizes the objects that surround the person wearing it, so that in this way, he can walk around his house or on the street without the need of Use a cane or guide dog.

The jacket is composed of several devices that are combined according to the visual or sound limitations experienced by the people who use them. In other words, the gadgets will be based on the fact that the person is blind, has low vision, is deaf or dumb or suffers more than one limitation. The invention is equipped with a front camera and a tactile fabric on the back that detects if the age and bad of the person, whether they are left-handed or right-handed, also detect the person's complexion and also serve to connect to other Apple devices. are the iPhone, iPad or AppleWatch.

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