Jaime Granados: General Torres Escalante expects the EHD to be impartial


The retired Army General Henry Torres Escalante will be the first soldier to submit to Special Jurisdiction for Peace and in dialogue with LA FM his lawyer, ] Jaime Granados explained the expectations that his client had before this decision.

The lawyer Jaime Granados clarified that General (R) Torres Escalante made the decision to "accept what the constitution establishes as an alternative "to go to JEP " "waiting for it to be a jurisdiction that demonstrates that she is impartial, fair and therefore allows her to establish the truth about her case and thus puts an end to all the inquiries which take place in this matter ". This decision was taken more than a year ago,

Granados also referred to the determination of Torres Escalante to go to JEP and not wait for the new law that will create a military hall . The lawyer explained that his client took the decision of to take advantage of this jurisdiction about a year ago, when the legislative act was approved.

"He made this decision, on his behalf, with his defense so it's a long process, in fact, the general got his freedom in part to this decision."

Jaime Granados noted that General Henry Torres Escalante understands and respects the decision of Congress to study the possibility of creating a room in 18 military months, but your client also considers that you should not wait for this period to get what you asked for a year ago. so that Torres Escalante is the " most interested in establishing the truth in the facts and that justice is granted to him".

"As long as it is a fair court and not composed of people seeking revenge, because it would be the end of the PEC"

Granados badures that General Torres Escalante has the hope that " what they said will fulfill it". ]

Finally Jaime Granados indicated that beyond the controversies that existed in the past around JEP it is necessary to give the following information. opportunity to people that "be fair and not disqualify them in advance" .

Granados pointed out that it is about giving the JEP a chance to show what it is made of. "Let Jep show that it is a fair court"

Listen to all the statements of Jaime Granados in the FM

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