Jairo the "old" Patiño has ceased to be the technical director of Llaneros | Colombian Football | Eagle Tournament


Jairo the 'Old & # 39; Patiño has ceased to be the technical director of Llaneros | Colombian Football | Eagle Tournament | Futbolred<br />

Vallecaucano played 58 games, won 21 wins and led the team to challenge a final

  Jairo Patiño

The former footballer made a good move by the Villavicencio club.

On Twitter: @ClubLlanerosFC

The leaders of the Llaneros club have officially announced the resignation of their coach Jairo el 'Viejo & # 39; Patiño, who retired after two years in connection with the Villavicencio team. The difficult economic situation and the lack of payment were the reason why the technical director of Valle del Cauca decided to withdraw.

Apparently, it was a decision that had matured for days. The continued failure of the leaders and the economic crisis of the team prevented the completion of the process provided by Patiño and his technical team. The situation that has become evident throughout this year, its poor results and the lack of guarantees have affected the performance of its players.

"We understand and respect the decision made by Professor Jairo Patiño, he decided to go on other projects and, moreover, understood that the difficult economic situation of Llaneros makes it impossible to continue in his work as a coach.With the same way, we thank him for his dedication and patience for a few years he was with us and he said goodbye with honor for the excellent work that he has done with the institution, "said Héctor Mateus, president of the Llaneros club

.The decision was also made that Nelson Gómez, with the help of former goalkeeper Lincoln Mosquera, will take Charges the players' team and prepare for their next game against Fortaleza on Sunday at the Manuel Calle Lombana stadium.It is worth remembering that Llaneros is located in the 15th position of the tournament table with only 15 units.

] César Dussán
Special for Futbolred

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