Japan applauds the intention of the United Kingdom to participate in the CPTPP


Tokyo, July 31
(VNA) – The Cabinet Minister in charge of the Integral and Progressive Treaty of
Pacific Association (CPTPP) of Japan, Toshimitsu Motegi, today applauded the statement
United Kingdom on its intention to participate in this agreement.

The Minister of the Cabinet in Charge of the Treaty of the Pacific Pacific Integrative Association (CPTPP) of Japan, Toshimitsu Motegi (Source: AFP)

Discussions held in this capital, the British Minister of Commerce
International, Liam Fox, expressed the aspiration of London to join the
The CPPP, considering this agreement and the Japan-Japan Economic Association Treaty
The European Union as the basis of economic cooperation relations
his country.

For its part,
Motegi reported that Tokyo has offered to provide the necessary information and
mediator for the process of joining the CPTPP of the European country.

Addressing the press after the meeting, the head of the institution felt that the integration of the
With this agreement, it will promote free multilateral trading systems,
fair and based on international law.

The CPTPP will enter
force 60 days after ratification of at least six member countries.
So far, three countries, Japan, Mexico and Singapore have approved the agreement, while Australia,
Vietnam and New Zealand plan to complete the treatment process this year.

Thailand, Indonesia, South Korea, Colombia and Taiwan (China) expressed interest

Originally, the
agreement that established the largest free trade area in the world had 12
signatories, but the President of the United States, Donald Trump, signed in January 2017 a
executive order to withdraw your country from the badociation agreement
Trans-Pacific (TPP).

The 11
The remaining countries have gone ahead with the project now called CPTPP, the
which should generate one of the largest free trade blocs in the world
with a market of 499 million inhabitants and a gross domestic product of 10
One Thousand Billion Dollars.-VNA

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