Japan lights up with the first artificial meteor shower in 2020 | Trade | Technology and science | Science


In Tokyo a start-up badures that it could develop the first artificial meteorite rain and that it could achieve it by 2020 . It was not enough to be an imposing natural phenomenon, the human had to reproduce it.

The emerging society called ALE based in the Japanese capital, pointed out that it is in the final stages of the construction of two microsatellites programmed to haul and release 400 bullets in any place, time and color. But how do they get the rain? Each of these "pellets" will burn when entering the atmosphere creating a glow intense enough to be seen from the Earth.

Their plan is to have them in orbit around the planet February 2020 One of the satellites will be sent by the Japanese space agency in March of next year and the other in mid-2009 in a private rocket.

" Our Reservation" Lena Okajima, Executive President of ALE, said at a press conference

So, it's like the start-up – which is believed to have spent about US $ 20 million in production – began providing services to civilians to order their rains.

Up to 12,000 rains were realized: Who will register?

Source: Emol-GDA

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