José Manuel Restrepo, Minister of Commerce of Duque | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


President-elect Iván Duque, announced from Miami to José Manuel Restrepo as Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism.

"José Manuel Restrepo will be our Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, he is a person who has all" Duque wrote.

Restrepo is the rector of the University of Rosario, an economist and specialist in finance, has a master's degree in economics from the London School of Economics, He is a senior executive of Inalde and candidate Ph.D. in Management of Higher Education Institutions at the University of Bath

Restrepo led the Business Foundation of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce, was Fonade's Director of Financial Planning and Budget.

Similarly, he belonged to the Institutional Hall of the National Council for Quality Assurance of Higher Education (Conaces), Ministry of National Education, as a member of the hall institutions, and has a long academic career.


Iván Duque, through his Twitter account also confirmed Carlos Holmes Trujillo as Minister of Foreign Affairs

"Dr. Carlos Holmes Trujillo is a guarantee of experience political, diplomatic and respectable, that's why I decided that he would be our Foreign Minister, "wrote Duque

Holmes has held various political positions and has even had presidential aspirations for the Democratic Center. two occasions He was Minister of Education and the Interior. He also participated in the Constituant of 1991.

This Friday, Iván Duque, after a meeting with the president of Andi, Bruce Mac Master, announced Nancy Patricia Gutiérrez as new Minister of the Interior and Gloria Alonso as director of the National Planning Department

"Colombia will have for the first time a minister of the Interior, a woman who has been trained, who comes from the deep Cundinamarca, who has worked hard, who has President of the House of Representatives and Speaker of the Senate The new Minister of the Interior will be Dr. Nancy Patricia Gutierrez, "said the president-elect

. Duque added that Gloria Alonso, an economist who started her career at Banco de la República, will be in front of the National Planning Department. , who worked on macroeconomic issues and completed the macroeconomic policy of the Ministry of Finance. She was also badistant to the Controller of the Republic

. "We showed Colombia that we are continuing to create a cabinet designed for the future, thinking of people trained to unify Colombia to the well-being of all our compatriots". the elected president added that it is important that Colombian women hold leadership positions.

Through his Twitter account, he also announced that Andrés Valencia Pinzón would be the next Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Minister of Agriculture at the Andrés Valencia Pinzón Economist, who has extensive technical and managerial knowledge and was President of the National Federation of Poultry Farmers of Colombia, Commercial Director of the Federation of Producers of coffee, director of the ICA and negotiator at the WTO. , writes Duque on Twitter

Andrés Valencia Pinzón is an economist at the Universidad de los Andes, currently president of the National Federation of Poultry Breeders of Colombia (Fenavi) and commercial director of the National Federation of Coffee Farmers of Colombia. Colombia

Similarly, Duque had already announced Alberto Carrasquilla as new Minister of Finance.

The next finance minister of Colombia will be Dr. Alberto Carrasquilla, who was a successful finance minister a few years ago, who was also technical director of the Banco de la República, a person who knows deep monetary, fiscal matters, he knows very well the state budget plan and this has a great ability of communication, "said Duque, after a meeting with Juan Jose Echavarría, director of the Bank of the Republic [19659002] Alberto Carrasquilla was Minister of Property during the term of office of Alvaro Uribe Vélez and was one of Duque's senior advisers during his presidential campaign.In recent days he has been in charge of the economic connection with the outgoing government of President Juan Manuel Santos

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