Jose Pekerman, with one foot on the bench of the Colombian team? | international football | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


The theme of José Pekerman is still very much discussed in the various football circles, where they openly open the debate about whether or not the Argentine should stay at the head of the Colombian team, which comes to participate in the World Cup in Russia.

Pekerman has a contract until August 31 and all roads would lead to his departure from the Colombian bench, because between the Colombian Football Federation and the same coach, there would be rumors, there would already be something agree before the World Cup. 19659002] Don Jose would leave as Zinedine Zidane of Real Madrid, a club that the Frenchman let enjoy the sympathy of the people, because he knew that sooner or later he would be relieved and would not go out the back door.

Something similar is happening now with Pekerman, who has become a true idol for the general public, but who is starting to receive serious questions from a large sector of journalism and Nalistas who consider that Colombia has had to Making a better World Cup in Russia had he made better decisions in the strategies and pay sheets he's used in the four games he's held.

After a little over six years, Pékerman completed what he was hired for: to clbadify the tricolor at two world championships, Brazil 2014 and recently Russia.

His figures are good in the world, where the performance is 74%, at 28.2% that historically had before his arrival. Pekerman led nine World Cup games, with six wins, two losses and one draw, with 18 goals in favor and only seven against for a positive difference of 11.

Under his command, Colombia was fifth in Brazil 2014 and ninth in Russia 2018. In the latter case, it was superior to Spain, Germany, Argentina, Mexico and Portugal. It is clear that with the Argentine strategist, the tricolor has achieved very positive things.

All the support
In addition to the support of the people, Pékerman enjoys the full support of the players, who see him as a father who has straightened a path. Many of them expressed themselves and publicly asked that Pékerman continue

. It is not known if the students of the Argentine coach spontaneously make the request or with something arranged with Pekerman to better negotiate the contract in case of staying

The Colombian Football Federation has repeatedly stated that the current staffing contract came at a glance, so renewing under the same conditions or for more money would not be an easy task.

Negotiating the first thing that must happen is that Pekerman wants to continue and if so, the dialogue will begin even when nothing is guaranteed.

Convincing him will not be easy, since Don José has a lot of contenders, which gives him a certain advantage when sitting at the table, which the Federation would look at with bad eyes.

We will have to wait. The theme of Pekerman will take several weeks to come to an end.

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