Juan Pablo Uribe will be the Minister of Health of Iván Duque


Uribe is the current director of the Santa Fe Foundation of Bogotá. He has been in the public sector as deputy minister of health and national director of prevention and promotion of the Ministry of Health.

Juan Pablo Uribe. Courtesy of Prensa Iván Duque

As announced a few days ago, President-elect Iván Duque Márquez confirmed on Thursday that will be Juan Pablo Uribe, current director of the Santa Fe Foundation of Bogota, Health of his government.

"He is an expert in public health, hospital management, prevention and promotion. He has an exemplary career in international organizations," Duque wrote in his Twitter account.

I named the brilliant doctor of Antioquia and current executive director of the Santa Fe Foundation, Juan Pablo Uribe, Minister of Health. He is an expert in public health, hospital management, prevention and promotion. He has an exemplary career in international organizations. pic.twitter.com/1Ooxs1onjv

– Iván Duque (@IvanDuque) July 19, 2018

Uribe is a surgeon at Javeriana University and has a Master's degree in Public Health and Public Administration from The University of Michigan

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Previously, she had been in the public sector, ] as vice-president Minister of Health, under the government of Andrés Pastrana, and National Director of Prevention and Promotion of the Ministry of Health. He had also been part of Duque's splicing team, specifically in the health sector.

Uribe will have in his hands the decision to continue or not with several of the struggles that the current Minister of Health, Alejandro Gaviria, has been reducing drug prices, among which include contraceptives, and d & # 39; other vital problems that Gaviria has opposed, such as the use of glyphosate for aerial spraying in coca crops, considering, according to international studies, that affect the health of people and animals.

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