Judge insists and orders Lula's immediate release


Brazilian Judge Rogerio Favreto ordered the immediate release of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, imprisoned for corruption, after a second magistrate revoked the measure and decided to keep the Brazilian president in prison .

Lula has reiterated his candidacy for the elections, despite his arrest, and that he is virtually disqualified because the electoral law prevents second-rate convicts from running for an elective office. AFP

Judge of Appeal The Brazilian who, in turn, had ordered the release of former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva a measure that was rescinded later by another judge, again gave a warrant to the leader of the left to leave the prison immediately.

Read: Judge of the Lava Jato investigation revokes the liberty of Lula da Silva in Brazil . the judicial flange – which in a few hours made it appear that Lula would be free, that he would remain imprisoned and become free again – creates a real confusion in Brazil, which will hold in October the most uncertain presidential elections of its history In I reiterate the content of the previous decisions, determining the immediate completion of the release measure in the maximum period of one hour "he wrote after 16:00 local time. Judge Rogério Favreto of the TRF4, the appeal court of Porto Alegre (south) who increased the prison sentence for the former president from 2003 to 2010 from nine and a half to 12 years and a month.

of the court confirmed that, although the judge relator of the case had annulled the order shortly before considering that he can not ignore a previous collegial decision, the order of the judge in service is the one that is worthwhile now .

You can read: Judge orders the release of former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in Brazil

Lula, imprisoned since last April 7 to purge a 12-year, 1-month sentence for pbadive bribery and money laundering, reiterated his presidential candidacy for the presidential elections of next October, although he is practically disabled after being sentenced to second instance, After the decision, federal judge Sergio Moro, who sentenced Lula in first instance to 9 years and 6 months in prison entered the legal battle and claimed in a car written from Portugal that Rogerio Favreto is "absolutely incompetent" to order Lula's freedom.

Lula is in prison at the headquarters of the federal police in Curitiba, capital of the state of Paraná (south), accused of having received OEA apart from construction company in exchange for offering benefits with contracts in the state oil company Petrobras.

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