Judge re-orders liberty of Lula da Silva | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


A Brazilian judge ordered for the second time the release of former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, which adds a new chapter to the dramatic concessions of judicial decrees

Judge Rogerio Favreto of the Fourth Court Regional Federal, said that Lula must be released during the next hour.

It is not clear if the police will comply with this order. Another judge of the fourth court in charge of the Lula case overturned Favreto's first order to release the ex-principal, and two badysts said that the order had dismissed the order of Favreto.

To further complicate matters, the judge The first instance found guilty Lula, Sergio Moro, would be the one who should send the release order to the police, and this judge told the police not to comply with the first order of Favreto.

Lula began complying with April a 12-year prison sentence for corruption in the districts of the federal police in the city of Curitiba. The Exandatario denied committing a crime and his conviction and imprisonment divided the Brazilians.

In the hours following the announcement of the first decision, hundreds of Lula supporters came to the Curitiba barracks with flags and shouted. "Free cell". The atmosphere was festive and continued even after the release was reversed.

Lula's lawyers argued that he should not have been imprisoned until all his appeals were exhausted, and made several applications for release that were denied until the moment .

But Favreto, the judge in charge of the Fourth Regional Federal Court, ordered his release on Sunday morning.

Favreto stated that the imprisonment deprived Lula of two fundamental rights: pending a final decision of the court of appeal, and her right to participate in the presidential elections of October. Lula has repeatedly stated that he is still a candidate, and he is a leader in voting intentions.

But Judge Moro ordered the police not to comply with the order of release

Favreto ordered the police of

"I order that the judicial measure to release the accused is immediately executed, under pain of punishment for not complying with a court order, "wrote Favreto

. It was then that Judge Joao Pedro Gebran Neto intervened, who is responsible for dealing with Lula's case in the Federal Regional Court, and ordered Lula to stay behind bars.

Maristela Bbado, professor of international and comparative law at the University of Sao Paulo, said that Favreto's decision he seemed "more political than judicial", but he could increase the pressure on the Federal Supreme Court to free Lula.

There is still a demand for Lula's release pending before the highest court of the Court.

Last year, Moro found Lula guilty of favors to a construction company in exchange for the promise of an apartment on the beach. This decision was ratified by a court of appeal in January. The former president also faces other accusations of corruption.

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