Junior introduced Fabián Sambueza and Luis Vásquez | Colombian Football | Eagle League


Junior introduced Fabián Sambueza and Luis Vásquez | Colombian Football | Eagle League | Futbolred<br />

Both players will look to win a place in Julio Comesaña's team this semester.

  Sambueza y Vásquez

The two new additions to the shark box.


On Twitter: @JuniorClubSA

This Friday Junior officializes the hiring of Fabián Sambueza and Luis Herney Vásquez. The two players have joined the team of Julio Comesaña and will seek to take a place in the team of Julio Comesaña.

Sambueza comes from Cali, with whom he canceled his contract, and signed for the next six months. However, the Argentine midfielder will not be able to play with the Copa Sudamericana's shark box since he has already participated in his previous club.

"The truth is a very good wait, he knows that the club is very good and I know that there is a base that is solid, which helps me fight big things, the group is united and I hope that God wants to bring the grain of sand to achieve great things and help me feel comfortable so that everything works well. "Sambueza said in statements issued by the club.

The other player is Luis Herney Cano, a 22-year-old goalkeeper from Real Cartagena, although his record is from Medellín.With his little experience will be in the difficult task of being ready to Providing Sebastian Viera and José Luis Chunga.

"Very high and emotional to be in this club, it means a lot to be in Junior at my young age, I come in a good time and I'm very happy. hope to get the most out of it and do it right in this great team, "said Vásquez.

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