Know the most used and the most hated by users


Every July 17, since 2004, the World Emoji Day is commemorated, these icons increasingly used and famous in messaging applications.

They have become an essential element to complete our message, or even express it completely, is expressive, funny, colorful and the amount of emojis that there are nowadays made that the Users can choose the one that best fits what they feel or want to express.

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In this way, they became part of our lives and have their own Emojipedia a space created by Jeremy Burge which, as its name indicates, is an encyclopedia of 2,800 existing emojis

Its influence is so great that until Royal Spanish Academy , Used to explain Twitter some grammar rules for better use, points RT

According to EmojiTracker, a project where you can follow in real time which emojis is tweet more often, the least widely used emoji in Twitter is the cable car

The most popular emojis

There the emojis who are in head of list are; the face with tears of laughter, followed by the heart and, thirdly, is the recycling of emoji.

Laughter, love and crying are most popular in Twitter and ] Facebook. In Spain France and Italy The most common is the emoji kiss, while in Argentina and Brazil ] is the emoji with hearts in the eyes. In Mexico and United States the most used in the emoji tears of laughter.

However, the trend of each of these icons, also varies according to the occasion or the variations throughout the year, such as holidays, halloween, day of love and of the year. Friendship and so on. However, the day of the year when these symbols are most used is New Year's Eve or New Year's Eve (December 31st).

Emojis less used

Users tend to focus almost always on the most popular, for example. it is obvious that sometimes they prefer to repeat an emoji, even if they have thousands.

As we mentioned earlier, the cable car is the least used in the world, which replaced the emoji which represented unsafe water. an icon that has remained unbeatable 80 days in this position.

Linda Yicela Hernández Sánchez –

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