Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, Croatian President who attracted attention


Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic President of Croatia encouraged her team with Emmanuel Macron her French counterpart.

The images also captured how wet she was at the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow, while the rain-protected security personnel Vladimir Putin the Russian ruler. Then she and Macron and Gianni Infantino FIFA president, were helped so that they would not get wet, even though it was too late.

Their emotion in greeting a sad Luka Modric ] did not pbad away from the eyes of the world. And although his Croatia was defeated, he was not indifferent to the French and embraced them. He showed a great personality of a chef.

On Monday, the Croatian national team should be moved to Ban Jelacic Square in Zagreb, the Croatian capital, where Croatian fans saw the parties. Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic urged citizens to give them an unprecedented reception, with a military parade and thousands of people greeting them.

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