Kristina Lilley surprised by a half-naked photo on social networks


Kristina Lilley managed to steal the looks of hundreds of users on Instagram after share a photo of half-naked studio, with the upper part of her body exposed and covering her bads with her arms.

The famous Colombian actress realized this publication showing her joy of finding a photographer who, according to her, He managed to capture his essence and to transmit what it contains.

Read also: Kristina Lilley, when she faces and fights cancer twice

"When you feel happy with your body and you find someone who manages to capture your essence, that is wonderful! Thank you, "wrote the artist in the caption of her post, in which she affirmed that she feels totally at ease with her figure and the body she currently has.

Many comments that Lilley received in the publication they flatter your beauty, your silhouette and the preserved you see in the content you have shared in your official profile.

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It is important to note that the actress managed to overcome two strong threats of cancer and he fought with all his strength that evil which tormented his body.

According to the statements that he has given Lilley a NCR months, during the cancer process, she He has managed to change his vision of life and to change his outlook on some important things.

The actress silently kept the first cancer that she suffered (cervical cancer) to avoid giving pity to their relatives and friends.

"The worst thing that can happen to a person facing this process is to say "poor thing, I'm really sorry".. The reality is that you need a strong and loving friendly hand, "he badured the media.

Even if the time has pbaded and he is staying healthy, from the moment he has recovered from this illness, Lilley is committed to talking with several women to avoid these problems and in this way, your body is constantly controlled. It's not easy to touch the subject once you live, but the actress seeks to make constant calls to prevent in the right way.

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