Light Court in Venezuela interrupted the Nicolás Maduro Party Congress | World


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The service failed, broadcast live by VTV State Television has took place when the first vice-president of the PSUV, Chavez Diosdado Cabello, proposed the ratification of the Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro at the head of the group.

The vote was suspended and the television cut the electrical transmission, although After a few minutes the contact resumed and it was reported that Maduro was finally ratified "by acclamation" as president of the PSUV with "all faculties, powers and authority necessary" to make changes in the party. 19659004] "Absolute confidence in compañero Nicolás Maduro", Cabello added.

Read also: Maduro acknowledged his "responsibility" in the economic crisis of Venezuela

Venezuela, the country that has the largest reserves proves

recorded since last month dozens of protests from workers demanding better wages and jaded citizens, demanding the end of the crisis in the provision of public services.

Two weeks ago, the Venezuelan Parliament, which controls the opposition blamed President Maduro because of the country's electrical crisis, which is the most severe in the rich border state of Zulia (west), where service interruptions can reach 36 hours. ) {
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