Listen to the supernatural sound that describes the relationship between Saturn and one of its moons


  Image of Saturn with its rings

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One of the images of Saturn generated with the data of Cbadini before the self-destruction of the probe in the past September

The Cbadini probe was considerably destroyed last year while immersing itself in Saturn 's atmosphere.

But the information she sent in her last days continues to unravel riddles on the sixth planet of the Solar System.

only two weeks before the destruction of Cbadini reveals a "surprisingly powerful and dynamic" interaction between Saturn and one of his moons, Enceladus .

The probe detected Plasma waves they move between Saturn and its moon and that scientists have managed to transform now into sound: a strange whistling and shuddering.


The observations show for the first time that the waves propagate in the magnetic field lines connecting Saturn directly to Enceladus .

NASA said in a statement that the field lines are like an electrical circuit between the two bodies, with energy coming and going.

In the same way that a radio translates electromagnetic waves into music, the researchers converted the waves between Saturn and Enceladus into audio that you can hear next

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The sound of Saturn when communicating with one of its moons

electromagnetic waves in the frequency range of audio, and already on Earth, we can amplify and reproduce these signals through a loudspeaker "said NASA.The recording time was compressed from 16 minutes to 28.5 seconds

" Small Generator "

Like air or water, plasma (the fourth state of matter) generates waves to carry energy.

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The Cbadini Probe Captured Plasma Waveforms Saturn and its satellite Enceladus in a "powerful and dynamic" interaction.

Intense plasma waves were detected by the instrument Radio Plasma Wave Science (RPWS) aboard Cbadini at one of its closest encounters with Saturn.

"Enceladus is this little generator revolving around Saturn, and we know that it is a source of continuous energy," said Ali Sulaiman, member of the RPWS team from the University of Iowa, United States

"We now see that Saturn responds by throwing signals, plasma waves, through the circuit of magnetic field lines that connect it to Enceladus hundreds of thousands of miles away. "

Sulaiman describes the discovery in two articles published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters .

Steam Columns

NASA explained that the interaction of Saturn and Enceladus is different from the relationship between the Earth and its Moon.

Enceladus is immersed in the magnetic field of Saturn.

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The Enceladus Moon is a source of continuous energy and Saturn responds by launching Signals in the form of "The Light". plasma waves.

The satellite is also geologically active and emits columns of vapor that fill Saturn's environment.

"Our own moon does not interact in the same way with the Earth." Similar interactions take place between Saturn and its rings, as they are also very dynamic, "adds NASA.

Cbadini was one of NASA's most ambitious efforts in planetary exploration. mission was a joint project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency

The spacecraft, the first spacecraft to orbit Saturn, was launched on October 15, 1997 and reached Titan, the largest moon on the planet, in January 2005.

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