Luis Bernardo Vélez goes to the office of the mayor of Medellín


The Secretary of Social Inclusion of Medellín, Luis Bernardo Vélez resigned from his post to aspire to the Medellin mayor for the period 2020-2024.

Vélez, who commissioned by the mayor Federico Gutiérrez badumed the secretariat responsible for social issues, said in his resignation letter that "I have firm intention to continue working for Medellin and its inhabitants, under the conviction that we can achieve dignified conditions for all, affecting the situations that affect the city and limit our ability to have complete security. "

Vélez was responsible for the realization of programs focused on care street dwellers, seniors, families and children. vulnerability, as well as for people with disabilities.

"Our work is focused on developing programs to transform lives through real portunidades," Velez told EL COLOMBIANO. He also thanked Mayor Gutiérrez for the opportunity he offered to "demonstrate that we can change the traditional paradigms of well-being and move to the required social, union, family and community inclusion." by Medellín. "

Vélez is the first member of the administration of Gutiérrez who resigns not to be disqualified in the elections of October 27, 2019. He will be joined César Hernández, director of Metroplús, who will also seek the first post in the city.

last week, the Secretary of Productivity of Antioquia, Federico Guerra resigned, not to disqualify his brother Andrés, who aspired to the government of Antioquia.

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